When selecting a dentist for yourself and your family, consider these important factors:

1. Location: Choose a dentist in henderson who is conveniently located, either within driving distance or accessible by public transportation, ensuring easy access when needed.

2. Range of Treatments: Ensure that the dentist offers a variety of treatments, both for routine check-ups and potential future dental needs.

3. Waiting Times: Inquire about the waiting list or appointment availability. If you require immediate attention, a dentist with long waiting times may not be suitable.

4. Recommendations: Seek recommendations from family, friends, and colleagues who have had experiences with local dentists. Online reviews and client feedback can also be helpful.

5. Cost Structure: Select a dentist whose services align with your budget. Consider whether they are private or accept NHS (public healthcare) patients.

6. Reputation and Experience: While an established reputation is not essential, inquire about the dentist's background and conduct some research to ensure they are a good fit for you and your family.

Remember, there are diverse dental needs and preferences, ranging from routine check-ups to extensive dental work. Finding a trustworthy dentist who meets your specific requirements is crucial.